
Welcome • Bem Vindos • Bruchim Habayim


Beit Chabad Central

Founded in 1973 in S. Paulo, the Beit Chabad of Brazil is a Jewish social and cultural center, that promote activities and assistance giving to all jews the opportunity to discover and strengthen the bonds with their heritage.
Here you will always be someone unique. Become our special guest!



Our Chabad House encourages spiritual growth of the community through classes and activities for various audiences with multiple themes.
Kiddush service are offered on Shabes – friday night and saturday morning – after prayers. Other events and services are available and sponsored by the synagogue such as lectures, meetings, celebrations and events. Find out!


The Prayers

The Hebrew word for prayer is Tefillah, which means "connection." It is a special time to be with the King, G'd. All you have to do is to try to be on time, focus on inspiration, make your personal requests and show all your gratitude for the endles blessings that flood on your life.
The atmosphere is quiet and comfortable and you are very welcome to join us!


Time of Prayers

chamada.jpgMonday to Thursday
Shacharit: 7:30 am
Mincha/Arvit: Call us for the current time

Cabalat Shabbat: Call us for the current time

Shabbat and Yom Tov
Shacharit: 9:30 am
Mincha/Arvit: 35 minutes before sunset

Sundays and local holidays
Shacharit: 8 am
Mincha/Arvit: Call us for the current time

